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How to improve your speaking skills!! – The S Agency
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How to improve your speaking skills!!

17 January 2019 / By Sys Admin

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While working for S Agency, I suddenly became the host of a YouTube Channel, “the S Channel” and a MC of an event for Alumni. It was a new and thrilling experience. It was the first time I had to go in front of the camera and in front of so many people. From this project, I took out a really positive experience, which I can use in the future. In any given job or position, anyone can go in front of the camera or in front of a crowd. It is important to know how to speak in order to make a good production or a good impression. Being a host or being a MC is almost the same apart from one big factor, the ability to redo. In front of the camera, as long as it is not Live, you always have the opportunity to redo your take. While I was in front of the camera, I stuttered many times and I had to take breaks to recompose myself. However, when the camera is live, then re-takes are impossible and it resembles being a MC. Being a MC requires more energy as the crowd can become nerve-racking. There are many tips that I can give you, for you to improve your speaking skills in front of a camera or in front of an audience.

Tip #1

Practice, practice, practice. You will never succeed in these kinds of industry if you do not practice. It is a good way to learn about what you need to say and how to say it. When anyone is practicing, the meaning of the sentence is going in the brain and the brain is recalibrating for you to understand it easier. Of course, there is the script, but the flow is more important. If what you are saying matches what the script says, then you made a good job.

Tip #2

Exercise. It is alright to speak with an accent or miss some grammatical errors. However, you can always exercise your tongue to be able to reproduce the sound you want. Pronunciation and ton are two things that need to be practice as well. There is one easy way to practice your pronunciation: put a pen in your mouth and speak. This will allow your jaws muscle to relax and train to make better pronunciation.

Tip #3

Look at your audience. You can go off-script, but you need to look at your audience to see what type of language you need to use. It is generally better to not use jargon or to technical words. When you have an idea of the audience, you know what terms to employ and you will feel more natural.

Tip #4

Relax. The final tip is to relax. When the muscles are too tense, you will not do a good job as a communicator. All previous tips lead to this point, be relax. It is normal to feel stressed and pressured but the more you try to relax your body and mind, the better you will do at this job.

There are a lot more tips to be a host or a MC but these are the beginner tips I can give for anyone who wants to start in this industry or needs to do it without any prior experience. The more you do it, the more natural it will feels to you. I know this as it was what happened to me.


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