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02 March 2016 / By Sys Admin

Planning and organizing any event is a headache to say the least. There are many factors to consider; from a suitable venue, date and time; most accessible location; food and beverage; a well-designed floor plan to fit the guests, to decorations, activities and gifts for your guests.

This is only for the event itself; you still have to create promotional materials to reach out to as much of your target market as possible, because without their interest, the event would be a waste of time and money.

On top of all of this, you have to put into consideration the budget you have been given to execute this event, and make sure you can strategically organize it to maximize the outcome.

We have successfully planned numerous events and know that this is not an easy task in itself, so we have prepared for you 5 tips that will hopefully turn your event into the the talk of the town!


  1. Specify your key objectives for having the event

The first step to making your event serve its purpose is to know what that purpose is. Most people have a general goal that they want to achieve from creating the event, but have not jotted down the key outcomes they wish to achieve. Listing these main objectives out first, allows you to have a clearer idea of what direction the event will have to take.


  1. Clarify the benefits of the event

The question on everyone’s minds when they consider going to any event, is what is in it for me? What will I gain out of going to it? You need to make sure that you know your target group’s interests and be able to offer them something valuable in return for them attending your event. The key objectives go hand in hand with the benefits of the event. These are both things you want the attendees to go away with in the end, so make sure to clarify these clearly.


  1.       The concept and theme of the event must be unified and attractive

Even if the purpose of your event is a great one, and there are plenty of reasons for people to attend it; without designing a unified theme for the entire event, it will look very messy and confusing for the guests. On top of this, when creating the concept, your team should give yourself enough time to brainstorm an interesting concept for your event because there are hundreds of events people attend every year, and you want yours to be one that they remember.


  1. Designing a catchy logo or catch-phrase to represent your branding

You need to think about a image or words you want to stick into people’s minds, when thinking of your event. This will come back to the concept and theme of the event. The branding of your event will be what will be the first chance of meeting your brand the public will have. This will be used in all your marketing campaigns, so remember that deciding on what this should be is very important.


  1.       Marketing materials must be placed on appropriate platforms

Now social media platforms are the most popular place to be marketing your event because it is easy for organic spreading of the message through likes and shares. When using social media platforms such as Instagram or Facebook, it is a good idea to create a new page for the event to collect people who want to hear more about the event. The next step is crucial, it is to have engaging and entertaining content be posted on the page regularly. This is what keeps your page current and not forgotten.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting.

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